The chart of accounts rules prescribe the framework and the content of accounts for companies that keep books under the dual bookkeeping system.

Published in “Službeni glasnik RS” No. 95/2014

Its provisions apply to companies applying International Accounting Standards (IAS), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), business entities applying the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium Enterprises, and micro enterprises.

 00 Subscribed capital, unpaid
  000 – Subscribed shares unpaid
  001 – Subscribed stakes unpaid
 01 Intangibles
  010 – Investment in development
  011 – Concessions, patents, licenses, goods and services brands
  012 – Software and other rights
  013 – Godwill
  014 – Other intangible assets
  015 – Intangible assets  under preparation
  016 – Advances for acquisition of intangible assets
  019 – Provsions for acquisition of intangible assets
 02 – Property, plant and equipment
  020 – Agricultural and other land
  021 – Building land
  022 – Buildings
  023 – Plant and equipment
  024 – Investment property
  025 – Other property, plant and equipment
  026 – Property, plant and equipment under construction
  027 – Investment in other property, plant and equipment
  028 – Advances for property, plant and equipment
  029 -Provisions for property, plant and equipment
 03 Natural assets
 030 – Forests
 031 – Plantations
 032 – Livestock
 037 – Natural assets under construction
 038 – Advances for natural assets
 039 – Provisions of natural assets
 04 Long term financial investments
  030 – Investments in capital of parent companies and subsidiaries
  031 – Investments in capital of associated legal entities and joint ventures
  032 – Investments in other legal entities and other securities   available for sale
  033 – Long-term domestic loans to parent companies, to subsidiaries and to other associated companies
  034 – Long-term foreign loans to parent companies, to subsidiaries and to other associated companies
  045 – Long term domestic and foreign loans
  046 – Securities held to maturity
  047 – Own stocks and shares purchased
  048 – Other long term financial investments
  049 – Provisions for long-term financial investments
 05 Long-term receivables
 050 – Receivables from parent and dependent legal entities
 051 – Receivables from other related parties
 052 – Receivables based on sales on commodity credit
 053 – Receivables for for sale under financial lease agreements
 054 – Receivables based on warranty
 055 – Contested and doubtful receivables
 056 – Other long term receivables
 059 – Provisions of long term receivables
 10 – Material
  100 – Material purchase costs calculation
  101 – Raw materials
  102 – Spare parts
  103 – Tools and inventories
  104 – Raw materials, spare parts, tools and inventories being processed, finished off and handled
  109 – Provisions for material
 11 – Work in progress and services
  110 – Work in progress
  111 – Services in progress
 12 – Finished products
  120 – Finished products
 13 – Merchandise (Goods, purchaes for sale)
  130 – Merchandise cost accounting
  131 – Merchandise in warehouse
  132 – Wholesale merchandise
  133 – Merchandise in storehouse, depot and other legal entities’ shops
  134 – Merchandise in retail sale
  135 – Merchandise being processed, finished off and handled
  136 – Merchandise in transit
  137 – Merchandise in transport
  139 – Provisions for merchandise
 14 – Assets held for trading
  140 – Intangible assets for trading
  141 – Land held for trading
  142 – Buildings held for trading
  143 – Investment property for trading
  144 – Other property held for trading
  145 – Installations and equipment for trading
  146 – Natural assets for trading
  147 – Assets of suspended business
  149 – Provisions for assets held for trading
 15 – Advances paid
  150 – Domestic advances paid for raw material, spare parts and inventories
  151 – Foreign advances paid for raw material, spare parts and inventories
  152 – Domestic advances paid for merchandise
  153 – Foreign advances paid for merchandise
  154 – Domestic advances paid for services
  155 – Foreign advances paid for services
  159 – Provisions for advances paid
 20 – Receivables from sales
  200 – Domestic trade receivables – parent companies and subsidiaries
  201 – Foreign trade receivables – parent companies and subsidiaries
  202 – Domestic trade receivables – other associated entities
  202 – Foreign trade receivables – other associated entities
  204 – Trade receivables – domestic
  205 – Trade receivables – foreign
  206 – Other trade receivables
  209 – Provisions for trade receivables
 21 – Receivables from specific business operations
  210 – Receivables from exporters
  211 – Receivables due from import on behalf of other entities
  212 – Receivables from sales on commission and consignment
  218 – Other receivables from specific business operations
  219 – Provisions for receivables from specific business operations
 22 – Other receivables
  220 – Receivables for interest and dividends
  221 – Receivables from employees
  222 – Receivables from state authorities and organizations
  223 – Receivables for prepaid income tax
  224 – Receivables for other taxes and contributions prepaid
  225 – Receivables for compensation of salaries that are refunded
  226 – Receivables based on damages
  228 – Other short term receivables
  229 – Provisions for other receivables
 23 – Short-term financial investments
  230 – Short-term loans and investments in parent companies and  subsidiaries
  231 – Short-term loans and investments in other associatied   companies
  232 – Short term loans – domestic
  233 – Short term loans – foreign
  234 – Current portions of long term loan due within one year
  235 – Current portions of securities held to maturity – a part that reaches one year
  236 – Financial assets that are measured at fair value through the Income statement
  237 – Bought up own shares for trading
  238 – Other short-term investments
  239 – Provisions for short – term investments
 24 – Cash and cash equivalents
  240 – Securities – cash equivalents
  241 – Current (business) accounts
  242 -Cash allocated for payments and open letters of credit
  243 – Cash in hand
  244 – Foreign exchange account
  245 – Foreign currency letters of credit
  246 – Foreign currency – cash in hand
  248 – Other cash and cash equivalents
  249 – Blocked bank accounts
 27 – Value added tax (VAT)
  270 – VAT in incoming invoices – general tax rate (except advances  paid)
  271 – VAT in incoming invoices – specific tax rate (except advances paid)
  272 – VAT in advances paid – general tax rate
  273 – VAT in advances paid – specific tax rate
  274 – VAT paid for import of goods – general tax rate
  275 – VAT paid for import of goods – specific tax rate
  276 – VAT on services renedered by foreign suppliers
  277 – VAT returned to foreign customers
  278 – VAT reimbursement paid to farmers
  279 – Receivables for prepaid VAT
 28 – Prepayments and accrued income
  280 – Prepaid costs
  281 – Accrued income (uninvoiced income)
  282 – Deferred costs based on obligations
  288 – Defered tax assets
  289 – Other accruals
 30 – Basic and other capital
  300 – Share capital
  301 – Stakes in limited liability companies
  302 – Participating interests
  303 – State owned capital
  304 – Socially owned capital
  305 – Stakes in co-operatives
  305 – Share issuing premiums
  309 – Other capital
 31 – Subscribed capital unpaid
  310 – Subscribed share capital unpaid
  311 – Subscribed stakes unpaid
 32 – Reserves
  321 – Legal reserves
  322 – Statutory and other reserves
 33 – Effect of restatement of capital and unrealized gains and losses
  330 – Effect of restatement of capital  based on the revaluation of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment
  331 – Actuarial gains or losses on planned benefit plans
  332 – Gains or losses on investments in equity instruments
  333 – Gains or losses on the basis of the share in other comprehensive income or loss of associates
  334 – Gains or losses arising from the calculations of financial statements of foreign operations
  335 – Gains or losses on instruments for the protection of net investments in foreign operations
  336 – Gains or losses arising from hedging instruments of cash flow
  337 – Gains or losses on securities available for trading
 34 – Retained profit
  340 – Retained profit from previous years
  341 – Retained profit from current year
 35 – Loss
  350 – Previous year’s losses
  351 – Current year loss
 40 – Long-term provisions
 400 – Provisions for costs incurried during the warranty period
 401 – Provisions for the recovery of natural resources
 402 – Provisions for retained deposits and caution money
 403 – Provisions for restructuring costs
 403 – Provisions for contribution and other employee benefits
 403 – Provision for court costs
 409 – Other long-term provisions
 41 – Long term liabilities
 410 – Liabilities which can be converted into capital
 411 – Liabilities to parent companies and subsidiaries
 412 – Liabilities to other associated companies
 413 – Liabilities for long-term securities
 414 – Long-term loans – domestic
 415 – Long-term loans – foreign
 416 – Liabilities based on financial leasing
 419 – Other long-term liabilities
  42 – Short-term financial liabilities
 420 – Short-term loans from parent companies and subsidiaries
 421 – Short-term loans from other associated companies
 422 – Short term loans – domestic
 423 – Short term loans – foreign
 424 – Current portion of long-term loans
 425 – Current portion of other long-term liabilities
 426 – Liabilities for short-term securities
 427 – Liabilities based on fixed assets and assets of suspended business for trading
 429 – Other short-term financial liabilities
 43 – Liabilities from business operations
 430 – Received advances, deposits and caution money
 431 – Domestic trade payables – parent companies and subsidiaries
 432 – Foreign trade payables – parent companies and subsidiaries
 433 – Domestic trade payables – other associated companies
 434 – Foreign trade payables – other associated companies
 435 – Trade payables – domestic
 436 – Trade payables – foreign
 439 – Other liabilities from business operations
 44 – Liabilities from specific business operations
 440 – Liabilities to importers
 441 – Liabilities due to exporters made on behalf of third parties
 442 – Liabilities for sale on commission and consignment
 449 – Other liabilities from specific business operations
 45 – Liabilities for salaries and fringe benefits
 450 – Liabilities for net salaries and fringe benefits, except refundable fringe benefits
 451 – Liabilities for taxes on salaries and fringe benefits charged to employees
 452 – Liabilities for contributions on salaries and fringe benefits charged to employees
 453 – Liabilities for taxes and contributions on salaries and fringe benefits charged to employer
 454 – Liabilities for refundable net fringe benefits
 455 – Liabilities for taxes and contributions on refundable fringe benefits charged to employees
 456 – Liabilities for taxes and contributions on refundable fringe benefits charged to employer
 46 – Other liabilities
 460 – Liabilities for interests and finance costs
 461 – Liabilities for dividends
 462 – Liabilities for share in the profit
 463 – Liabilities to employees
 464 – Liabilities to members of Management Board and Supervisory Board
 465 – Liabilities to individuals for contracted fees
 466 – Liabilities for net income of sole traders who obtain advances during the year
 467 – Liabilities for short-term provisions
 469 – Other liabilities
 47 – Liabilities for Value Added Tax
 470 – Liabilities for VAT in outgoing invoices – general tax rate   (except advances received)
 471 – Liabilities for VAT in outgoing invoices – specific tax rate   (except advances received)
 472 – Liabilities for VAT in advances received – general tax rate
 473 – Liabilities for VAT in advances received – specific tax rate
 474 – Liabilities for VAT on internal consumption – general tax rate
 475 – Liabilities for VAT on internal consumption – specific tax rate
 476 – Liabilities for VAT on sales for cash
 479 – Liabilities for VAT on difference between calculated VAT   and previous taxes
 48 – Liabilities for other taxes, contributions and other duties
 480 – Liabilities for excise duties
 481 – Liabilities for income tax
 482 – Liabilities for taxes, customs, and other duties charged to   costs
 483 – Liabilities for contributions charged to costs
 469 – Other liabilities for taxes, contributions and other duties
 49 – Accruals and deferred income
 490 – Accrued expenses
 491 – Revenue charged in advance
 494 – Accrued direct purchase costs
 495 – Donations received
 49 – Accrued income from receivables
 498 – Deferred tax liabilities
 499 – Other accruals and deferred income
 50 – Costs of merchandise sold
 500 – Purchases of merchandises (goods for resale)
 501 – Cost of merchandise sold
 502 – Cost of sold assets held for trading
 503 – Cost of other assets held for trading
 51 – Costs of material
 510 – Costs material
 511 – Costs of raw material
 512 – Costs of other material (overhead)
 513 – Costs of fuel and energy
 513 – Costs of spare parts
 513 – Costs of One-time write-off for tools and inventory
 52 – Costs of salaries, fringe benefits and other personal expenses
 520 – Costs of salaries and fringe benefits (gross)
 521 – Costs of taxes and contributions on salaries and fringe   benefits charged to employer
 522 – Costs of remunerations according to temporary service contracts
 523 – Costs of remunerations according to author’s contracts
 524 – Costs of remunerations according to temporary and provisional   contracts
 525 – Costs of remunerations to individuals according to other   contracts
 526 – Costs of remuneration to manager, members of Management Board and   Supervisory Board
 529 – Other personal expenses remunerations
 53 – Costs of production services
 530 – Costs of services used in production process of own costs capitalized
 531 – Transport services costs
 532 – Maintenance costs
 533 – Rental costs
 534 – Fairs exhibit costs
 535 – Advertising costs
 536 – Costs of researching activities
 536 – Costs of development that are not capitalized
 539 – Costs of other services
 54 – Costs of depreciation and provisions
 540 – Depreciation costs
 541 – Costs of provisions during the warranty period
 542 – Provisions for recovery of natural resources
 543 – Provisions for retained deposits and caution money
 544 – Provisions for restructuring costs
 545 – Provisions for contributions and other benefits of employees
 549 – Other long-term provisions
 55 – Non-production costs
 550 – Costs of non-production services
 551 – Representation costs
 552 – Costs of insurance premiums
 553 – Costs of payment operations
 554 – Costs of membership fees
 555 – Tax costs
 556 – Contribution costs
 559 – Other non-production costs
 56 – Financial expenses
 560 – Financial expenses incurred with parent companies and   subsidiaries
 561 – Financial expenses incurred with other associated companies
 562 – Costs of interest
 563 – FX losses
 564 – Expenses on the basis of the effects of a currency clause
 565 – Expenses from participation in loss of associated legal entities and joint ventures
 566 – Expenses arising from the hadging effects that do not meet the requirements to qualify under other comprehensive income
 569 – Other financial expenses
 57 – Other Expenses
 570 – Losses on writing-offs and disposals of Intangible assets and  Property, plant and equipment
 571 – Losses on writing-offs and disposals of natural assets
 572 – Losses on disposals of long-term investments
 573 – Losses on disposals of raw material
 574 – Shortages
 575 – Costs from negative hedging effects
 576 – Writing-offs of receivables
 576 – Writing-offs of inventories and merchandise
 579 – Other expenses
 58 – Impairment Costs
 580 – Impairment of natural assets
 581 – Impairment of intangible assets
 582 – Impairment of property, plant and equipment
 583 – Impairment of long-term investments and other securities   available for sale
 584 – Impairment of material and merchandise
 585 – Impairment of receivables and short-term financial investments
 589 – Impairment of other assets
 59 – Losses of suspended business, effects of changes in accounting policies, correction of errors of previous periods and transfer of expenditures
 590 – Losses of suspended business
 591 – Expenses on the Effects of Changes in Accounting Policies
 592 – Expenses based on correction of errors from previous years that are not material
 599 – Transfer of expenses
 60 – Income from the sale of merchandise
 600 – Domestic sales of merchandise to parent companies and subsidiaries
 600 – Foreigh sales of merchandise to parent companies and subsidiaries
 602 – Domestic sales of merchandise to other associated companies
 603 – Foreign sales of merchandise to other associated companies
 604 – Sales of merchandise to domestic customers
 605 – Sales of merchandise to foreign customers
 61 – Income from sales of products and services rendered
 610 – Domestic sales of finished goods and services rendered to parent   companies and subsidiaries
 611 – Foreign sales of finished goods and services rendered to parent   companies and subsidiaries
 612 – Domestic sales of finished goods and services rendered to other associated   entities
 613 – Foreign sales of finished goods and services rendered to other associated   entities
 614 – Sales of finished goods and services rendered to domestic   customers
 615 – Sales of finished goods and services rendered to foreign   customers
 62 – Income from the own use of products, services and merchandise
 620 – Income from the own use of merchandise
 621 – Income from the own use of products and services
 63 – Change in value of inventories of work in progress and finished  products
 630 – Increase of finished goods, work in progress and services in  progress
 631 – Decrease of finished goods, work in progress and services in  progress
 64 – Income from premiums, subventions, donations, etc
 640 – Income from premiums, subventions, donations,   compensations and tax returns
 641 – Income from donations under specified conditions
 65 – Other operating income
 650 – Rental fees income
 651 – Membership fees
 652 – Income from royalties and license fees
 659 – Other operating income
 66 – Financial income
 660 – Financial income incurred with parent companies and subsidiaries
 661 – Financial income incurred with other associated companies
 662 – Income from interest
 663 – FX Gains
 564 – Incame on the basis of the effects of a currency clause
 565 – ExpenIncameses from participation in loss of associated legal entities and joint ventures
 669 – Other financial income
 67 – Other income
 670 – Gains on disposals of Intangible assets and Property, plant and  equipment
 671 – Gains on disposals of natural assets
 672 – Gains on disposals of long-term investments
 673 – Gains on disposals of raw materials
 674 – Surpluses
 675 – Collected written-off receivables
 676 – Income from positive hedging effects
 677- Income from reduction of liabilities
 678 – Income from abolishing of long-term and short term provisions
 679 – Other income
 68 – Income from assets valuation adjustments
 680 – Income from valuation adjustements of natural assets
 681 – Income from valuation adjustments of intangible assets
 682 – Income from valuation adjustments of property, plant and   equipment
 683 – Income from valuation adjustments long-term invetsments and   securities available for sale
 684 – Income from valuation adjustments of inventories
 685 – Income from valuation adjustments of receivables and short- term investments
 689 – Income from valuation adjustments of other assets
 59 – Profit of suspended business, effects of changes in accounting policies, correction of errors of previous periods and transfer of income
 590 – Profit of suspended business
 591 – Income based on the Effects of Changes in Accounting Policies
 592 – Income based on correction of errors from previous years that are not material
 699 – Transfer of income
 70 – Opening account of general ledger
 700 – Opening account of general ledger
 71 – Closing of the Income statement’s accounts
 710 – Account of expenses and income
 711 – Profit and loss of suspended business
 712 – Transfer of total result
 72 – Profit and loss account
 720 – Profit or loss account
 721 – Tax expense of the period
 721 – Deferred tax expense and income of the period
 722 – Personal earnings of the employer
 723 – Transfer of profit or loss
 73 – Closing of the Balance Sheet’s accounts
 730 – Closing of the balance sheet’s accounts
 74 – Group free for use
 88 – Off-Balance sheet assets
 880 – Other assets taken into operating lease (rent)
 881 – Acquired products and commodities for joint business
 882 – Goods taken into commission and consignment
 883 – Material and goods received for processing and finishing
 880 – Assigned warranties, guarantees and other rights
 885 – Securities that are out of circulation
 889 – Assets with other entities
 89 – Off-Balance sheet liabilities
 890 – Liabilities for assets taken into operating lease (rent)
 891 – Liabilities for acquired products and commodities for joint business
 892 – Liabilities for goods taken into commission and consignment
 893 – Liabilities for material and goods received for processing and finishing
 890 – Liabilities for assigned warranties, guarantees and other rights
 895 – Liabilities for securities that are out of circulation
 899 – Liabilities for assets with other entities
 90 – Liaison accounts with financial book-keeping
 900 – Taking over inventories account
 901 – Taking over purchasing of material and merchandise account
 902 – Costs taking over account
 903 – Income taking over account
 91 – Raw material and merchandise
 910 – Raw material
 911 – Merchandise
 912 – Finished products and merchandise in producer’s shops
 92 – Cost accounts points for purchasing technical management   and ancillary activities
 93 – Accounts for main production cost points
 94 – Cost account points for management sales and similar activities
 95 -Cost units
 950 to 957 – Cost units
 958 – Semi-finished products of own production
 959 – Deviation in cost units
 96 – Finished products
 960 to 968 – Finished products
 969 – Exceptions in costs of finished products
 97 – Group free for use
 98 – Expenses and income
 980 – Costs of products and services sold
 981 – Cost of merchandise sold
 982 – Costs of the period
 983 – Write-offs, shortages and surpluses of work in progress   and finished products
 985 – Account free for use
 986 – Income from products and services
 987 – Income from merchandise
 988 – Account free for use
 989 – Other operating income
 99 – Profit, loss and closing accounts
 990 – Operating profit and loss
 991 – Loss and profit on raw materials’ sale
 992 – Shortages of raw materials and merchandise
 993 – Write-offs of raw materials and merchandise
 994 – Surpluses of raw materials and merchandise
 999 – Closing computation of costs and effects